
colorado dreamin'

So, on my second night in Colorado Springs, I decided to turn on the news. I don't pay much attention to the sad-whackedout-rabidly violent stories reported by the evening news team ... my faith in humanity needs no further challenge. But there it was, some great news that perked up my soul, and it came straight from the KKTV meteorologist. "Chance of a thunderstorm tomorrow," he said as he gracefully passed his hand over a map of the city. Chance of a thunderstorm? Seriously? In the Summer? How rare is that? But no time to ask questions, I have to concentrate, and listen to this messenger dressed in a fine gray suit. He said the rain would come sometime in the afternoon, followed by a cold front that will chill the warm evening like a shivery surprise.

Summer rain... how deliciously rare. When was the last time I felt rain? It was so long ago, I could hardly remember the feel of wet drops on my skin, or the refreshing smell of dewy dampness, or the scrumptious sound of rolling thunder and gushing downpour. Ahhh, summer rain, sweaty monsoon, glorious storm...I can hardly wait to feel right as rain. I'm going to count down the minutes...starting now.

sages of long ago

My mom is 75 years old. My dad is 82. And right now they are in their bedroom, and I could hear them talking about life. They are talking about the house, and the changes they wish to make if they only lived here. They are talking as though they have many, many more years to live. And I think to myself... wow, don't they realize how old they are?? 20 years from now, my dad will be over a hundred...and yet, he is thinking about picking apples from a tree he has yet to plant.

My parents seem to get so much older each time I get to see them... which is about once a year or less. Time has battled with them mercilessly. They both have gout and arthritis and cataracts and withering bones. Yet, their spirits are mighty and strong. My mom stares at her knobbly aching joints and says, "you are not slowing me down today," as she hobbles to the kitchen with her cane to chop some fish. My dad, who can barely see through his cataracts, just fixed the TV that was on its way to the trash.

Together, they watch the DNC which is going on in Denver. My dad yells at the democrats, declaring their incompetency (he's a bleeding heart republican), and my mom just laughs. She then says, "time for your medicine," and she lovingly applies the eye drops and they go through their medication regimen together. They have been married a very, very, very long time. They have been through so much together... (they survived me and my teenaged years). And I could see, through their quiet ways... that they so love each other.


9 Lives and Beyond

Wookie, my beloved cat of 15 years died on a Tuesday night. It was April 15 2008. She now lays about a foot under the roots of an orange tree in our backyard. Wookie was the best furry sidekick a girl could have. She never left my side. Even on the days when I was too busy to pet her or even glance at her, she was always ready to come and sit by my side, gently perched against my shoulder, and purring me peacefully to sleep. She definitely endured some major illness during her last few years. There were many close calls when I thought she was literally heading towards that proverbial light. But she always got better. Wookie proved that cats DO have nine lives. This time, when she got really sick, I knew she had finally cashed in all her life tokens. Her final days, I held her as long as I could and provided her with as much comfort as possible. Her last final hours were spent in my arms and I could only hope she felt comforted. I feel sad that in the last two years, I had literally pushed her away from my side to make room for the dog and the baby. But in her final years, she seemed healthier outdoors, eating the grass and cavorting in the sun. Wookie was the only cat I ever owned, and she will always have a huge place in my heart.

Obi: Jedimaster

If you haven't been to our home, then you haven't been properly sniffed by Obi ... and you can consider yourself lucky. Let's just say, he tends to greet you in the wrong places...with his ever curious and quite imposing nose. But he means well, he's just trying to get to know you.

Obi is wonderful dog, a loyal friend, a gentle babysitter, a stalwart protector, and a playful sidekick. He wasn't so fine-tuned when we first adopted him four years ago from the SPCA. Back then, he was a rough and tussle padawan who was whining in his lonely cage. All he needed was a good happy couple like me and Cam to train him and lure him away from the dark forces of shelter-hood. He was surprisingly easy to teach. He is a very smart dog. He quickly learned that running like a lunatic, jumping on furniture, and peeing on the carpet were the quickest ways to get kicked out of the house. Within a few months after we brought him home, Obiwan earned rightful place in our jedi council – and he certainly had the potential to master his powers. His drawbacks are squirrels. Obi has learned to go potty on demand, do crazy and fun tricks for visitors, and even managed to avoid digging up my garden. But oh boy, those squirrels have special powers. They just shake their furry little tails at Obi, and all bets are off. Some days, it’s fun to watch Obi try to sneak up on these vermins and actually attempt to catch them. Other days, not so fun – especially when you are the unsuspecting bystander at the other end of the leash. All in all, Obi has mastered his way into our hearts and we certainly could not do without him.


My ZEN Bear

It is hard to believe that she is already 21 months. She is so lovely, so happy, and so golden. Nothing in this world phases me anymore. I could be having the worst day at work, with patients crashing and machines blowing up and co-workers conspiring against me, I could care less. Because I just think of her and realize that I am the luckiest person in the world to have such a beautiful, wonderful, child. When I come home, her delighted smile and her arms wrapped around me melts away any negativity that manages to come home with me. She calls out "mommy" and my heart still flutters with joy. She can now say "hi mommy/daddy", "bye-bye mommy", "no-no Obi", and count "one-two" She sings "Up Above" (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star), and tucks her baby doll to sleep with a kiss and a "night-night". She can jump into the pool and come back up all by herself (with a life vest of course), and swim a good distance to either mom,dad, or the pool steps. She can even take daddy's cell phone and call mommy behind daddy's back. She is now running and jumping, and it won't seem too long before she's practically getting into a car and driving away from me. She is growing up so fast and learning so much, and I don't want to miss a thing.


And now, without further ado...I introduce to you my favorite superhero:

Part jock, part mad scientist, part chef, part philosopher, possibly part fish (he is curiously well versed in aquatic issues), and most definitely all superhero. My husband, the mighty keystone of this arch family. He battles the conundrums at work all day, comes home to pick up the baby from day care, takes Obi to play with his canine friends, shops for various necessities for our home, and still has time to cook an elegant meal by the time I get home. He is my prince, my best friend, and I can’t be the beauty without his bronze. When I am lost, he is my North Star. When daily waves become choppy, he is my lifeguard. He is my kite to the stars and my anchor to the ground. How was I ever so lucky to find such a wonderful man?

Well, after so many failed relationships, I made a list of the qualities that I value in "the one". And Cam was 10 for 10. So, the first chance I got, I hit him with my club and I dragged him to my cave…LITERALLY. Fortunately for sad ol’ me, Cam decided I was the answer to a wish he once made upon a shooting star. From the very first date, which was 7 years ago this month, the forces of divinity and nature shook hands, Yin and Yang twirled in harmony, cats snuggled with dogs, and the planets came into perfect alignment with the stars. Life was AND is good. We will be married 5 years this month and my Superduperman continues to meet my everyday’s most quiet need. I LOVE YOU honey!!!


3...2...1...blast off!!!

Sometimes, late at night, I stare at the computer screen, looking into the vast and ginormous digital space of webbers and bloggers. I'm looking for something to inspire me, some video or picture to make me laugh, to make me wonder, and -most of the time- something to put me to sleep. And there I found bloggers with wonderful words of wisdom. They wielded words like light sabers, complete with powerful imagery to precisely slice away the tiniest cobwebs of a dusty mind. These BLOGGERS really have something to say, sharing bedtime tales to other insomniacs to help them dream of a better place. Their letters to the world certainly give hope to a planet that definitely needs a change. And I thought, "wow...I can do that" or rather "I wish I can do that...." And so... WHY NOT! I'm going to start my own blog and maybe, just maybe... end poverty, and world hunger and bring about peace in the middle-east, and possibly curtail global warming. And while I'm at it, find a cure for cancer!! Unfortunately... this blog in not that blog. Maybe this blog has a potential to be far-reaching, earth-changing, life-bettering, and peacefulsleep-making. But for now, in it's fledgling little start, it is just a letter to my friends and family --- nary a note...a memo to show them the miracles happening here in my household. So, Enjoy!!!

the zen warriors