
introducing a two-year-old trauma queen

the princess of the house turned two a couple of weeks ago. she's now officially a terrible two and her powers to create chaos and ear-shattering outbursts have more than doubled in strength. this terrifying capacity is only challenged in force and might by her shining smile and awesomely beautiful face that always manages to transform my frightful frowns. she's a very generous giver of hugs and kisses, and betwixt moments of tantrums - she's a very skilled clown who's energy is renewed solely by gleeful laughter. she'll sing and dance and chase you around if you are a willing audience; otherwise cover your ears and pretend to ignore her tantrums. the fat tears rolling down her chubby cheeks will try to turn you into mush, but you must resist. be strong. her outbursts do not last long. if you survive the obligatory display of her temper, she will reward you with a wonderfully breath-taking cuddle and the unfailing ability to make her smile.


Downward Spiral

Nothin’ like a downward spiral to bring out the activist in all of us. The economy has packed up what’s left of its precious few and headed south for what seems like a permanent vacation. We’ve lost sight of brother charity and sister mercy; they are probably down south too, spiraling out of control, drunk on tequila bombs and panhandling the streets of despair. And let’s not mention the environmental pet. Mother nature has set it loose in its rabid condition after we failed on our promise to protect and nurture it. Out there, we are all fighting…for the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who disagree with our beliefs so we can flush them down the toilet.

Tomorrow, we have that great-almighty-fundamental right to choose what should be done to us and who should do it. And the great unrest has disturbed the sleep of many apathetic souls. It is predicted that off-the-chart amount of voters will take to the polls and cast their stones. There will be long lines. Computers at the ready and news networks poised to battle for front-row-and-center.

The excitement has been building up into a tumultuous wave here in the streets of Sacramento. For the past few days, those who think it’s okay to dictate the rights of the gay community have taken to the streets to support Proposition 8. This proposition seeks to amend California’s Constitution so it will state: “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Since when did the constitution become a tool for discrimination? Hundreds of these equality-challenged people rallied the streets, holding bright yellow signs and screaming at people to vote yes. In one corner, 50 of them huddled in a crowd…and smack-dab in the middle was one blue sign held by a brave soul. His sign said “No on 8”. I rolled down my window and yelled “You’re my HERO!!” while briefly contemplating running-over everyone else. I figured it was the least I could do.

the zen warriors